Media Eghbal

Media Eghbal Head of Editorial Content Strategy

Economies | Consumers | Brexit | Impact of Covid-19 | Consumer Trends


About Media

Media is Head of Editorial Content Strategy for and is responsible for leading the content plan and implementing the global editorial strategy for the company’s external website, in collaboration with the communications team. Based in London, she has more than 18 years of experience in Euromonitor research.

Media works with global research and Euromonitor’s thought leaders to ensure our editorial agenda and key focus areas are reflected for our external audience. This includes working with a team of Blog Leads and the communications team to manage the content schedule and associated campaigns designed to promote Euromonitor’s thought leadership across Industries, Economies and Consumers.

Passport Our award-winning syndicated market research database provides detailed data and analysis on industries and consumers, across 1200 cities, 210 countries. Learn More