Ekaterina Tretyakova

Ekaterina Tretyakova Senior Research Analyst


English, Russian

About Ekaterina

Ekaterina Tretyakova is a Senior Research Analyst at Euromonitor International, specialising in food and nutrition. She focuses on the markets of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, analysing developments across the food and ingredients industries as her core responsibility. Her research expertise makes her an important part of the dairy and ingredients central project team.



Ekaterina is in regular contact and ongoing discussion with the leading market players, which gives her keen insight into industry activity and both current and future trends. Collaboration with Euromonitor’s analysts from other regions enables her to compare markets across the globe. In addition to her core responsibilities, she provides content insight on a range of topics and participates at international conferences to build client relationships. Ekaterina previously worked as an analyst in urban development, a researcher in social economy and population studies, and as an account manager in B2B sales in hospitality.

Recently Published Work



Ekaterina Tretyakova

Ekaterina Tretyakova

31 May 24

欧睿国际每年发布的《全球消费者趋势》报告都会反映消费者的价值变化和行为转变,分析其对商业格局产生的影响。2024 年的最新报告总结了六大消费趋势,考虑到通货膨胀、宠物人类化和宠物健康问题的影响,欧睿认为其中“进阶羊毛党”、“多巴胺经济”和“行动养生派”是和宠物护理行业最为相关的三大趋势。


Three Key Global Consumer Trends in Pet Care for 2024

Ekaterina Tretyakova

Ekaterina Tretyakova

19 Apr 24

Each year, Euromonitor International identifies the top global trends that reflect changing consumer values and behavioural shifts, which significantly impact the business landscape. Three consumer trends—Value Hackers, Delightful Distractions and Wellness Pragmatists—stand out as the most relevant for the pet care industry in 2024, primarily due to the impact of inflation, pet humanisation and health concerns.


Interzoo 2024

Ekaterina Tretyakova

Ekaterina Tretyakova

Messezentrum 1 7 May 24 | CET: 01:00 PM

Dogs, cats, birds, fish, small animals and reptiles – Interzoo as the world's leading trade fair for the pet industry shows the latest trends and innovations.
