Fransua Vytautas Razvadauskas

Fransua Vytautas Razvadauskas Insights Manager - Mobility


English, Lithuanian

Passionate about publishing content and building a thought leadership strategy that speaks to the needs of Euromonitor's client base.

About Fransua

Fransua leads the insights and editorial strategy for the mobility industry. This includes report writing, client engagements, collaboration with internal research teams, participation at conferences and events and other marketing needs.



Fransua is a Mobility Insights Manager. He helps clients embrace and navigate trends in the mobility and automotive industries, which includes vehicle electrification, shared mobility and fintech in public transport. In Fransua's previous roles, he worked closely with financial and accounting data to deliver insights for leadership teams on company performance.

Recently Published Work


Is Tesla Abandoning Its Electric Vehicle Charging Business?

Fransua Vytautas Razvadauskas

Fransua Vytautas Razvadauskas

28 May 24

Tesla’s endeavours in electric vehicle (EV) charging took a hit in May 2024 when it announced that it would be dismissing a sizeable chunk of its supercharger team. While its decision to slow down supercharger expansion may offer opportunities for other charge point operators (CPOs) to catch up, Tesla is unlikely to relinquish its supercharger business, long-term, having already built partnerships for charge port compatibility with major automotive OEMs.


Emerging Finance Trends Shaping Four-Wheeled EV Adoption

David Zhang

David Zhang

3 May 24

Despite slowing growth, EVs are still expected to become more widespread as governments promote sustainable mobility, but this requires financial development throughout the customer journey.


How are EV Brands Embracing Loyalty?

Fransua Vytautas Razvadauskas

Fransua Vytautas Razvadauskas

19 Mar 24

The automotive industry is shifting to an EV (electric vehicle) future with an estimated 21% of new passenger car registrations projected to be electric in 2024. With an increasingly competitive and maturing industry, companies are looking to seize their customer base through engaging, targeted and unique loyalty provisions.
