Jorge Zuniga

Jorge Zuniga Senior Insights Consultant – Sustainability


Spanish, Castilian, English

About Jorge

Jorge is a global thought leader in sustainability at Euromonitor, where he provides strategic insights on consumers behaviour, markets dynamics and corporate strategies.



Jorge graduated in Sustainable Business Strategic Management, and now combines his passion for sustainability with his market expertise to advise companies on topics such as sustainability claims, sustainable packaging and the circular economy. With the benefit of many years of experience researching fmcg industries and being an accomplished speaker, Jorge leverages Euromonitor´s sustainability data and analytics tools to support clients in successfully navigating sustainability challenges and opportunities.

Recently Published Work


Top Five Innovations in Sustainability in Q1 2024

Jorge Zuniga

Jorge Zuniga

29 May 24

FMCG industries in 2024 face a challenge to balance rising costs with escalating climate issues. Despite the recognised need for climate action, businesses grapple with actualising sustainable strategies and clearly delivering their initiatives to consumers. This article underscores the crucial role of sustainable innovation, showcasing five products from early 2024 that exemplify how brands can harness sustainable practices for relevance and competitiveness amidst evolving consumer demands.


Unwrapping Sustainable Packaging: Redesign for Circularity

Jorge Zuniga

Jorge Zuniga

21 Mar 24

During the current Global Recycling Awareness Week, celebrated on March 18th, it is worth noting that five fmcg industries contributed to four trillion retail packaging units in 2023, a figure expected to rise by 2% by 2026, according to Euromonitor’s packaging data. In this week that aims to generate awareness around the environmental significance of recycling, it is also important to understand that addressing sustainability is not only a moral requirement but also a business opportunity.


Megatrends: Quantifying Sustainable Living

Jorge Zuniga

Jorge Zuniga

14 Mar 24

Sustainable living continues to hold significant relevance for both consumers and corporations, as ethical considerations and moral values grow in importance. This is particularly true in light of the tightening regulations surrounding sustainability reporting and the validation of sustainable claims across the EU, UK and US.
