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Money 20/20 Europe: What to Expect from Europe’s Largest Finance Event

Ivan Khoruzhyy

Ivan Khoruzhyy

3 Jun 24

Euromonitor International will be attending Money 20/20 Europe during 4-6 June 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This large-scale conference will accommodate 8,500+ attendees from the continent’s financial institutions, regulators, government agencies, and fintechs.


Commodity Market Outlook Q2 2024: Pressures Have Eased but Geopolitical Flareups Drive Market Volatility

Aleksandra  Svidler

Aleksandra Svidler

30 May 24

First months of 2024 saw a year-on-year easing in many commodity prices, as soft global demand weighed on energy prices and prospects of adequate crop supply capped agrifood price growth. However, geopolitical shocks sparked turbulence in the oil market and drove up gold prices, while rising supply concerns fuelled a rally in copper.


Top Three Trends from the 2024 Sweets and Snacks Expo

Miri Eliyahu

Miri Eliyahu

29 May 24

The 2024 National Confectioners Association’s Sweets and Snacks Expo wrapped up last week in Indianapolis. Among numerous innovative new product launches, educational sessions, and an overall celebration of everything snack-related, three trends emerged. Read on to find out more.


Top Five Innovations in Sustainability in Q1 2024

Jorge Zuniga

Jorge Zuniga

29 May 24

FMCG industries in 2024 face a challenge to balance rising costs with escalating climate issues. Despite the recognised need for climate action, businesses grapple with actualising sustainable strategies and clearly delivering their initiatives to consumers. This article underscores the crucial role of sustainable innovation, showcasing five products from early 2024 that exemplify how brands can harness sustainable practices for relevance and competitiveness amidst evolving consumer demands.


The Future of Positive Nutrition and Challenges to Overcome

Carl Quash III

Carl Quash III

28 May 24

Consumers’ relationship with diets is ever-changing. Now, unprecedented priority is being placed on addressing diet-related human health issues to improve what and how we eat and build a future containing a healthy, productive population. World Nutrition Day is a time to reflect on the greatest challenges that positive nutrition faces and what can be done to overcome them.


Is Tesla Abandoning Its Electric Vehicle Charging Business?

Fransua Vytautas Razvadauskas

Fransua Vytautas Razvadauskas

28 May 24

Tesla’s endeavours in electric vehicle (EV) charging took a hit in May 2024 when it announced that it would be dismissing a sizeable chunk of its supercharger team. While its decision to slow down supercharger expansion may offer opportunities for other charge point operators (CPOs) to catch up, Tesla is unlikely to relinquish its supercharger business, long-term, having already built partnerships for charge port compatibility with major automotive OEMs.


Chart of the Month: Exploring Trends by Generation in Subscription Services

Paula Ferolla

Paula Ferolla

27 May 24

Over the past decade, subscription services have reshaped many of our habits and behaviours, providing us convenience and practicality. For instance, when looking for entertainment options, consumers can now access an endless variety of films and series from the comfort of their own sofas.


Southeast Asia Holds Growth Potential for Chinese Food Firms

Emil Fazira

Emil Fazira

27 May 24

The Chinese food industry’s sales totalled USD328.7 billion in 2023, a whopping 40% of the Asia Pacific region’s total. This was particularly buoyed by staple foods which in China grew by a 5% CAGR in retail value sales terms between 2018 and 2023. Dairy products and alternatives sales are a contrast, where China is losing share of Asia Pacific’s, albeit gradually: slipping from 52% in 2018 to 48% in 2023.


B2B Channels Can Offer New Growth as Consumer Demand Remains Weak

Justinas Liuima

Justinas Liuima

23 May 24

The ongoing cost-of-living crisis is expected to impact consumer demand in 2024. To counter this, companies can focus on B2B sales channels, particularly in the offices and healthcare sectors, which are forecast to maintain steady revenue growth.
