Savitree Pupatwibul

Savitree Pupatwibul Research Analyst


Thai, English, Japanese

About Savitree

Pom now serves as a Data Analyst, building POS data systematisation and automation to maximise the benefits of cross-industry sources, while freeing her other colleagues to focus on building client relationships.


Pom comes from a research background, where she covered cooking ingredients and meals, fresh food and consumer foodservice, to offer clients a comprehensive understanding of market trends, prospects and the competitive landscape in Japan, with a particular interest in sustainability and wellness. Pom has had occasion to share her insights on the Japanese market with global clients. Her insight has also proven beneficial in informing research across Euromonitor's offices.

Related to Cooking Ingredients and Meals


Top Three Trends from the 2024 Sweets and Snacks Expo

Miri Eliyahu

Miri Eliyahu

29 May 24

The 2024 National Confectioners Association’s Sweets and Snacks Expo wrapped up last week in Indianapolis. Among numerous innovative new product launches, educational sessions, and an overall celebration of everything snack-related, three trends emerged. Read on to find out more.


The Future of Positive Nutrition and Challenges to Overcome

Carl Quash III

Carl Quash III

28 May 24

Consumers’ relationship with diets is ever-changing. Now, unprecedented priority is being placed on addressing diet-related human health issues to improve what and how we eat and build a future containing a healthy, productive population. World Nutrition Day is a time to reflect on the greatest challenges that positive nutrition faces and what can be done to overcome them.


Southeast Asia Holds Growth Potential for Chinese Food Firms

Emil Fazira

Emil Fazira

27 May 24

The Chinese food industry’s sales totalled USD328.7 billion in 2023, a whopping 40% of the Asia Pacific region’s total. This was particularly buoyed by staple foods which in China grew by a 5% CAGR in retail value sales terms between 2018 and 2023. Dairy products and alternatives sales are a contrast, where China is losing share of Asia Pacific’s, albeit gradually: slipping from 52% in 2018 to 48% in 2023.
