
Explore consumer behaviour, preferences, attitudes and purchase m...

Explore consumer behaviour, preferences, attitudes and purchase motivations with data from our global Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, helping you to understand, target and connect with your consumers.

Consumer Lifestyle

Megatrends in Canada

Oct 2023

This Megatrends report highlights long-term trends resulting from shifts in consumer values and behaviour. It provides a summary of each of Euromonitor International’s 10 focus megatrends and insights as to how each trend has manifested in Canada.

USD 1,325
Consumer Lifestyle

Megatrends in the US

Oct 2023

This Megatrends report highlights long-term trends resulting from shifts in consumer values and behaviour. It provides a summary of each of Euromonitor International’s 10 focus megatrends and insights as to how each trend has manifested in the US.

USD 1,325
Consumer Lifestyle

Canada: Consumer Profile

Sep 2023

Population expansion, higher birth rates, a large youth cohort, and urbanisation continue to shape India’s demographic landscape. Stronger economic performance and growing incomes influence Indian consumption patterns with more people having a…

USD 1,325
Consumer Lifestyle

Consumer Values and Behaviour in Canada

Jun 2023

This report visually explores everyday habits and behaviours which reflect consumers' beliefs and values, linking behavioural trends with purchase and consumption habits.

USD 1,325
Consumer Lifestyle

Consumer Lifestyles in Canada

Jun 2023

Consumer Lifestyles offers valuable insights into key consumer attitudes and current thinking, and their impact on purchasing and consumption habits; quantifying behaviours, preferences and motivations and aligning them with broader trends

USD 1,325
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