The Impact of Coronavirus on Transportation Modes

June 2020

The travel and tourism landscape has been completely transformed by the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19). The sharp decline in global demand has triggered huge financial difficulties and liquidity problems, forcing many transportation operators to cut costs in an effort to preserve cash, lay off staff and seek government financial support. This reports reviews the impact of the pandemic on key transportation modes, and the strategies adopted by the players to overcome this crisis.

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Key Findings

Industry on its knees

The travel and tourism industry will experience a long-lasting impact across the whole value chain, with a full recovery likely to take 5-10 years in some categories. With pockets of recovery in some regions, domestic and short haul travel are expected to drive the initial rebound.

Airlines – among the hardest hit

The impact of COVID-19 on the airlines category has been huge, with the grounding of almost all the fleet as a result of nearly 90% decline in passenger demand, increasing debt and worsening liquidity, poor aircraft occupancy and a flood of cancellations and refund requests. Expectations are that the industry will become much smaller by the end of the year, as many operators are faced with bankruptcy and are forced to exit the industry.

Cruise – not far behind

Plummeting passenger numbers and revenues, as well as negative consumer perceptions as a result of health warnings and restrictions on cruise travel, in addition to declining share prices and vast monthly cash burns, are severely damaging the operations of cruise operators. Layoffs and restructuring are characterising the category.

Consumer confidence plummets

Consumer confidence is very low regarding expenditure on tourism services. With high unemployment levels in many markets, the pandemic is directly impacting the disposable income of households. Generation Z and millennial households (ie those aged under 40 in 2020) will show the biggest declines in terms of consumer expenditure in the short and medium term. Business travel will suffer as companies tighten their budgets and opt for all-digital business communication.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Key findings
Airline industry hardest hit by COVID-19
COVID-19 in context
Global baseline outlook
Global baseline outlook subject to unusually high downside risks
COVID-19 scenarios
COVID-19 Pessimistic2 scenario: the main downside risk forecast
COVID-19 Pessimistic1 scenario: a moderately more pessimistic forecast
COVID-19 Pessimistic3 scenario: a worst case forecast
Real GDP annual % growth forecasts and revisions from last quarter
China: general outlook
China: COVID-19 and consumer spending by income segment
High infection rates impact the global economy and the tourism industry
Air traffic closely correlated with GDP growth
Challenging times ahead as tourism expenditure weakens
Pandemic hitting disposable incomes across all segments
Crippled industry with long-lasting effects across all segments
COVID-19 impact at a glance
Cloudy skies for the airline category
Global departures drop to hit strongly the aviation
Low crude oil prices do not benefit all airlines
Mass unemployment in aviation
Fleet downsizing on the way
Scheduled carriers at a disadvantage compared to low-cost airlines
Nobody is out of the woods
Slow rebound in May brings some hope
Major lessons from a previous crisis
Domestic market will drive the transportation recovery
Regulation changes
IATA leading on issuing new recovery principles
Flight protocols changing
For some, it is the end of the road
Debt-ridden industry
Governments stepping in to bail out key brands
Capacity reduction and low fares
Rail category: derailing on the horizon?
Bus and road travel dwindling
Cruise industry in stormy waters
The status quo
Regional performance of cruise category before COVID-19
Recovery timelines of all transportation modes
Regional overview
Intra-regional and domestic travel will drive demand
Green shoots of recovery in China
Airlines recovery to take years in the US
Cruise category the hardest hit in the US
Airlines resume operations in South Korea amid threats of capital erosion
Domestic air travel to rescue the aviation sector in India
UK quarantine to further hurt transportation category
More uncertainty in Brazil amid coronavirus
American Airlines: rising financial volatility
“ Preighter ”: a temporary solution but a key area of resilience
Contactless flights and pre-flight blood testing
How viable is social distancing for airlines?
Controversies regarding social distancing on-board
Distribution platforms adjusting to address consumer sentiment
Subscription model back on the agenda?
Crisis takes its toll on airports too
All digital to drive ancillary revenues
Wizz Air defies the odds
Is a “green recovery” at all possible?
Advocates call for cleaner skies
The road to recovery: four key stages
Huge structural changes in the airline industry
Demand factors and the “new normal”
The key factors
New consumer attitudes
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Travel encompasses several categories including tourism flows, lodging, travel modes, in-destination spending and booking.

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