Ageing Population and its Impact on Eyewear

September 2020

Ageing is one of the most important drivers of demand for the eyewear industry. This is especially the case in mature markets, many of which drive a sizeable share of global revenues, given their ageing demographic profile. Despite the combination of this growing customer base, with higher than average disposable income levels, and a considerable awareness about the implications of poor eye health, traditional operators remain flippant when it comes to senior-oriented product innovation.

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Key Findings

The world is ageing rapidly

eyewear consumption. In fact, across major eyewear markets like US or China, the share of population aged 45+ (average age of onset of presbyopia) exceeds 42% of the total population today, and it is expected to keep growing over the forecast period.   Ageing is one of the most significant global demographic factors impacting

Understanding senior purchasing power and attitudes towards health is key

  At world level, those aged 60-64 enjoy the highest average gross income (at USD16,448) with over half of these claiming to be extremely or moderately concerned about eye/vision issues according to our latest Health and Nutrition Survey 2020. As such, the combination of healthy disposable income levels and a high level of concern around eyewear, opens sizeable business opportunities for eyewear operators.

Age-related conditions become widespread across key eyewear markets

Along with presbyopia, which is widespread across most mature markets given their ageing demographic profile, other eye conditions such as cataracts or glaucoma tend to appear simultaneously. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, by the age of 75, half of all Americans suffer from cataracts, while one in ten over the age of 80, suffers from age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Senior-specific product innovation and marketing efforts remain limited

Senior-led innovation remains uncommon. Both from a product and from a marketing and advertising perspective, most global players continue betting on comfort and ease of use usually disregarding senior-specific needs such as dry eye.

Embryonic e-eyewear solutions pave the way for digitally-led innovation moving forward

allows users to rapidly switch focus by pressing a button on the frame.   Still in their early stages, a growing number of electronic solutions are appearing in different markets offering electronic autofocal glasses. These represent a step forward from progressive or multifocal lenses. The technology, usually liquid-crystal based lens,

Key findings
Ageing is the primary risk factor for many eye conditions
World’s population is ageing rapidly
High index of ageing in key eyewear markets
Senior spending power
Biggest addressable presbyopia-prone populations by 2030
A strong quest for healthy ageing
Senior attitudes towards eye health in particular
Multifocal and progressive solutions cashing in on ageing
Case study: TouchFocus
TouchFocus : Hi-tech for ageing eyes
COVID-19 impacts older people’s health and wellbeing …
… while it can accelerate digital adoption among them
COVID-19 highlights healthcare and pension pressures
Inclusion of older consumers in digital and online solutions
Key takeaways: be inclusive and adaptive to win silver consumers


Eyewear is the aggregate of contact lenses, spectacles and sunglasses.

See All of Our Definitions


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